IC + discrete RIAA circuit

Amplified circuit schematic

Selection of components:

R1-18 = 47K R15-16-32-33 = 150K C12-13-25-26 = 100nF 100V MKT
R2-19-13-29 = 270R R17-34 = 100R TR1-2 = 220R trimmer
R3-20 = 1K C1-14 = 1uF 100V MKT D1-2-3-4 = 1N4148
R4-5-21-22 = 150R C2-15 = 220pF * See text Q1-2-8-9 = BC214C [matched]
R6-23 = 2K2 C3-16 = 220pF Q3-10 = BC212
R7-30 = 82R C4-17 = 47nF 100V [matched] Q4-5-11-12 = BC183
R8-24 = 68K C5-18 = 100nF 100V MKT Q6-13 = BC640
R9-25 = 1M5 C6-19 = 470uF 25V Q7-14 = BC639
R10-26 = 3K9 C7-20 = 100uF 16V IC1 = TL072 - NE5532
R11-27 = 2K7 C8-9-21-22 = 47uF 25V J1-2-4-5 = Female RCA cinch
R12-28 = 33K C10-23 = 2.2uF 100V MKT J3 = 3pin connector 2.54mm step
R14-31 = 33K C11-24 = 1nF 100V [matched] All Resistors is 1 / 4W 1% metal film
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[Photo] IC + emitter cross output front stage

Posted at 2006-04-15 13:08 • 290 views
[Photo] IC + emitter cross output front stage
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