The ever-changing audiovisual technology and the multimediaization of home computers have greatly satisfied people's needs in entertainment and culture. Audiovisual integration has become a fashion. And as the audio-visual equipment's playback terminal-audio power amplifier and speaker, to meet the needs of today's audio-visual, its anti-magnetic and high fidelity are the primary factors for our application considerations.

The high-fidelity active anti-magnetic speaker is based on the anti-magnetic design. It is a combination of an audio power amplifier that meets the requirements of the VCD sound source for high-fidelity playback and a fever-level anti-magnetic speaker unit, which is installed in the speaker box. Because of its excellent anti-magnetic performance, it completely solves the interference and distortion of the magnetization caused by the speaker magnet on the TV image and the computer image, and can be placed at will near the TV and computer monitors; and it has a small footprint, easy to move, and system loss Small and many other advantages. It is more and more popular with music enthusiasts, computer enthusiasts and working families.

This article will introduce the active speaker is a new type of high-fidelity active speaker designed based on the above characteristics, the system I summarize as follows:

Circuit principle:

Component selection and installation:

Functional expansion:

This dmx512 Led Decoder allows for led lights to be controlled via a dmx controller by accepting both dc supply voltage and your dmx controller signal and distributing it to attached led lights . This led decoder accepts XLR-3 type connections for the DMX signal input and output . The Dmx Decoder controller adopts the advanced control unit, receives standard DMX512 digital control signal and transformed it into PWM signal to driving LED. As a powerful color managing controller, it will enable you to choose the desired pattern and appropriate speed to manage your RGB LED lighting fixtures. 

Photo show of PWM DMX LED Decoder:

PWM LED Decoder 6 CH

PWM LED Decoder 24 CH-01

Pwm Dmx Led Decoder

Pwm Dmx Led Decoder,Led Decoder,Pwm Decoder,Dmx Decoder

Shenzhen Iseeled Technology Co., Ltd. ,